How to Flash qualcomm phone Roms with Qualcomm flash image Loader

To flash android  Qualcomm smartphone  device stock roms or firmware with Qualcomm Flash Image Loader follow the instructions below;

first, download  these  tools

  1. download and install Qualcomm USB driver( if you have already downloaded the USB driver then skip this process)  any version Qualcomm Flash image loader from any of the links below
qualcomm flash loader version
qualcomm flash loader version
qualcomm flash loader version2.0.0.1
extract the downloaded file Qualcomm image loader on your computer, after extracting, you will see the files as shown in the screenshot below

4. open the Folder QFIL, after launching the file the app will open as shown in the screenshot below


5. now switch off your phone if on, then connect it to your computer, click on the browse button to browse your downloaded flashfile, hold the volume up key and click on download o the qualcomm loader



6. once you have added the firmware, the rest of the data will be loaded automatically

7. click on the download button the start the flashing process

8. it may take up to 11 to 17 minutes for the flashing process to complete, once the flashing is done, boot your phone and set it up

The flashing process is done, you can now disconnect the phone from your pc


NOTE; The download button will only be clickable when you must have connected your phone and pressed the volume up button

also note that flashing wipes out all the non-system data on the phone, so if the phone is still accessible before flashing, back them up.